How to use Desi Cow Ghee in Common Lifestyle Problems 2

How to use Desi Cow Ghee in Common Lifestyle Problems

Desi Cow Ghee is most nutritious among our all regular food. We should add 1-2 tablespoon of desi cow ghee in our daily diet. There are many mentions in our ayurveda about uses of desi cow ghee to solve our common lifestyle problems.

Desi Cow Ghee – Solve Our Common Lifestyle Problems

1. Weak Digestion:

Due to lack of physical work our digestive system get more weak day by day, take one tablespoon of desi cow ghee before every meal to improve digestion. You can also use the mixer of desi cow ghee, jaggery and ginger powder, take this mixer just before every meal.
Desi Cow Ghee is known to be one the most easily digestible dairy fat. It helps in proper digestion, preventing constipation and detoxification. Desi Cow Ghee contains butyric acid which nourishes the cells of the intestines. This acid also helps in reducing inflammation and improving the digestive system. Unlike butter or oil, Ghee fastens the process of digestion.
The Ayurvedic texts say that Desi Cow Ghee lubricates the digestive system and improves the digestive power because it helps enhance digestion without irritating the stomach and balance the stomach acids to maintain and repair the mucus lining of the stomach.

2. Hyper Acidity:

You have to take 15-20 grams desi cow ghee in morning breakfast if you suffering from hyperacidity. You can also make sabji, dal etc by using ghee instead of oil.

How to use Desi Cow Ghee in Common Lifestyle Problems 3

3. Headache:

In modern lifestyle there is lots of people suffering from headache because of stress, you have to add desi cow ghee in your daily diet for prevent this tension headache. If you are suffering from headache put 2 drops of desi cow ghee in both nostrils in the early morning.

desi cow ghee

4. Foot Burning:

Foot burning is problem of excessive pitta, massage your feet daily with warm desi cow ghee.

desi cow ghee

5. Depression:

Why some people easily go to into depression or look unhappy ? Of the many reasons, food is one of the important reason that many contribute to the depression and feeling not so good.
The lifestyle we have adopted right now is depression pronic. Why I am saying that? We have long hours working, un-time eating, long time spending on screens, social cut-offs ( for many reasons), day-night working modules, etc. In this style, we don’t have a specific time to wake up, eat, have daily exercise, and sleep on time.
Desi Cow Ghee is best suited food for those desiring intellect, memory and intelligence. Application of desi cow ghee in over the scalp area helps to calm the mind down. In depression start your day breakfast with 2-3 tablespoon of desi ghee, which is very much helpful to fight against depression.
During the depression, the nervous activity gets disturbed, something that is attributed to Vata dosha involvement. A specific diet should be followed with this, so it’s best to consult your Ayurvedic professional for this treatment.

desi cow ghee

Desi Cow Ghee is not only good for your physical health but for your mental health furthermore.

6. Skin:

Desi Cow Ghee is a wonderful natural moisturizer, not just applying it externally it works but also your skin membranes have phospholipids in them. By adding cow ghee, the essential fats in your diet, it ensures you can good supple skin from the inside out.

It is believed that ghee works wonders in the anti-ageing department. Desi Cow Ghee is known to be a natural anti-aging product for skin. Consumption and application on the skin both have a great anti-aging effect on the skin.

  1. REMOVE DARK CIRCLES: Desi Cow Ghee is a very effective natural moisturizer. This moisturizing quality can actually make the dark circles hydrated. The area surronding the eyes is very weak and can absorb the moisture in the ghee immediately. Also, ghee has a soothing effect which will relax the eyes.
    Dark circles are a result of many things like sleep deprivation, incorrect diet, bad bood circulation, etc. Even if ghee soothes the eyes and moisturizer the dark circles, a good sleep and a healthier diet can do wonders.
    When you apply any product around your eyes, it is essential that the product should be very safe for eyes. In additin to being extremely dafe for consumption, ghee is used as eye drops by many people in India. Hence even while applying it to dark circles, there is no risk of damage.
    Give your under-eye creams and serums a break and try ghee instead. Apply ghee on your eyelids and under your eyes every night before sleeping. Wash it the next morning with plain water. You will see results in no time.
  2. Chapped and Dark Lips: Put a drop of cow ghee on your fingertips and massage it gently over your lips. Leave it overnight. Next morning you will wake up with soft and rosy lips.
  3. For Dry Skin: Heat a little cow ghee and apply it on your body before bath for soft and smooth skin. If your face is dry, mix cow ghee with water and massage it into the skin. Wash after 15 minutes.
  4. For Dull Skin: Revive dull and lifeless skin by using cow ghee in your face pack. Mix cow ghee with raw milk and besan to make a paste. Apply it over your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes before washing.

7. Hair:

Just massage your scalp with warm desi cow ghee mixed with equal part coconut oil, this will nourishes your scalp and encourage hair growth and you can also put 2 drops of desi cow ghee in both nostrils in the early morning for white hair and hair fall.

8. Eye:

Desi cow ghee contains large amount of vitamin A which is very helpful to improve eyesight. ghee along with triphala is used to improve eye health.

9. Joint pain:

Desi Cow Ghee is extremely high nourishing, it keeps the joint well lubricated and enhance their friction free movement. Eat 10-15 grams of desi cow ghee daily for your joints. You can also massage the painful joint with ghee twice a day to increase the blood circulation and minimize the wear and tear of cartilages.

desi cow ghee

Read More : What is the importance of Brahma Muhurta in Indian Traditional Ghee?

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