
What is Shilajit & Benefits of Shilajit in Your Daily Life

Shilajit is a natural bio-product which is found extensively in the mountains of Himalayas. This mineral deposit is made up of humus and decomposed plant remains, which were hard-pressed between layers of rocks for millions of years, are transformed into a black tar-like substance. Shilajit has an abundance of minerals, vitamins, humic acid, and fulvic acid, which are very effective in cleansing the body. It is a proven safe and an effective supplement which has a positive effect on overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Shilajit

1. Heart Health:

Shilajit can also be used as a dietary supplement to improve heart health. Researchers tested the cardiac performance of Shilajit. After receiving a pre-treatment of Shilajit, some specimens were injected with isoproterenol to induce heart injury. The study found that specimen given Shilajit prior to cardiac injury had fewer cardiac lesions.

2. Liver Cancer:

Shilajit has been successful in fighting certain types of cancer cells. Researches have shown that Shilajit has helped in destruction of cancerous cells in the liver. It has prevented the multiplication of these cancer cells. Research results show that Shilajit has an anti-cancer effect.

3. Dietary Support for Cancer Patients:

Shilajit stimulates the release of immune cells, such as phagocytes and lymphocytes. Thanks to Shilajit immune supportive properties and abundance of functional nutrients, it would likely make for a complementary addition to a cancer patient’s diet. Shilajit is a promising agent for inhibiting the growth and spread of specific liver tumor cell lines via mitochondrial activation.

4. Digestive Health, Ulcer and Bowel Problems:

Shilajit stimulates stomach acids, bile and the secretion of intestinal mucous, all of which aid the digestion of food and peristalsis. Shilajit enriches the stomach acid acidity associated with gastric issues and stomach upsets.

1 thought on “What is Shilajit & Benefits of Shilajit in Your Daily Life”

  1. Shilajit is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It’s an effective and safe supplement that can have a positive effect on your overall health and well-being. As you have mentioned about the benefits of shilajit in our daily life, I’m also thinking of including shilajit into my daily life to have the same health benefits for myself and keep my health in good condition.

    This article is very informative and helpful, It not only explains the benefits of but also inspires us to include shilajit into our daily routine. Thank you very much for this article.

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