diabetes patients

Is Honey Safe for Diabetes Patients?

If you have diabetes, you might be wondering what to use for a sweetener.

Can Sugar Diabetes Patients Eat Honey?

Can you eat honey if you have diabetes? The answer is yes. One advantage of using honey over sugar is that honey’s flavor is more pronounced and concentrated than that of sugar’s. This means that you may find that you can use less of it for the same level of sweetness.

We would not say that if you are suffering from diabetes you should consume honey without restriction or without doctor’s consultation. Anything taken in excess can run you the risk of falling sick and especially if you are a diabetes patients, you have to be extra careful of what you eat as it can significantly affect your blood sugar levels.

Hand holding a blood glucose meter measuring blood sugar, the background is a stethoscope and chart file

Honey is a natural sweetener and viewed as a better option in contrast to regular sugar. No doubt, owing to the lesser amount of carbohydrates found in honey, its impact on the one’s blood sugar levels is slightly better than that of sugar. Likewise, honey is easy to digest compared to sugar and works well in keeping the metabolism levels high. This difference arises because honey is broken down in the body by the enzymes already present in honey. In the case of sugar, you may require enzymes from your body itself. Note that honey should be taken by diabetics after consultation with their doctors.

What is Natural Himalayan Honey?

Natural Honey obtained from honey bees, which is highly nutritious and laden with numerous medicinal properties. It contains all naturally occurring antioxidants, pollen, enzymes, vitamins, and natural minerals. The Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory & Antibacterial properties of Raw honey help you to build huge immunity, fight cold & cough, diabetes Patients, digestion issues and seasonal allergies. Raw honey also helps heal cuts, wounds & small burns. Raw Honey helps in managing your weight by enhancing your body metabolism.

How to Use Honey if you’re a Diabetes Patients?

Note: We recommend the use of Rajsuya Natural Honey as it is pure honey. Natural Honey obtained from honey bees, which is highly nutritious and laden with numerous medicinal properties. It contains all naturally occurring antioxidants, pollen, enzymes, vitamins, and natural minerals.

Do consult your doctor before trying any of these process as they might not be suitable for people suffering with high levels of blood sugar.

1. Honey & Yogurt

  • Take a 1/2 teaspoon Honey and 1 tablespoon plain yogurt and mix well.
  • Take this mixture first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat this every day for a month, and witness the gradual drop in your blood sugar levels. It is suitable for people suffering with high levels of blood sugar.

2. Honey, Basil, Neem & Turmeric

This mixture may taste a little bitter but the health benefits it comes packed with can help you stabilize your blood sugar levels.

  • Take a 3 tablespoons dried basil powder, 3 tablespoons dried neem powder, 3 tablespoons turmeric powder and mix everything together in a bowl.
  • Place the mixture in a glass jar & store it in a cool and dry place where you can store this mixture for up to a week.
  • In the morning, take a 1 tablespoon of this mixture and mix a 1 tablespoon of honey to it (for better taste) and consume it on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat this process for a month for desired results. It is suitable for people suffering with high levels of blood sugar.

3. Honey with Green Tea

Green tea contains substances called polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress, which decreases chances of heart disease that is elevated in people with diabetes.

  • Boil water in a pan, put the green tea bag and let it seep in water for 2-3 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of honey in green tea.
  • Don’t add honey to your green tea when it’s hot. if you add honey to a boiling cup of green tea, chances are that the nutritive value of honey will get destroyed. Hence, let your green tea’s temperature settle down a bit, then add honey.

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