raw honey

Why you should use Raw Honey instead of Processed Honey?

Raw Honey :

This is a raw and natural honey, which has not been filtered, processed or pasteurised. This honey is known to be free of chemicals and untouched by pesticides, antibiotics, and pollutants. People have used raw honey in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. This sweet, natural substance may contain healthful elements that processed honey does not have.

Raw Honey is a sweet, golden liquid made by honeybees. Honeybees store their honey in small, hexagonal cups called a honeycomb. Raw honey comes straight from the honeycomb.

Raw Honey from the hive contains bee pollen, beeswax, and parts of dead bees. Honey manufacturers will usually pass raw honey through a filter to remove as many impurities as possible, but some generally remain. It is still safe to eat.

In fact, raw honey is often confused with organic honey, which is filtered and heated, but what makes it different from regular honey is that organic honey goes through the minimum level of processing and thus no additives are added to enhance the taste, colour or texture.

Unlike raw honey, regular honey undergoes a pasteurization process. This means manufacturers have heated it to kill yeast cells that can affect its taste, increase its shelf-life, and make it look more transparent and attractive. However, pasteurization may adversely affect the number of nutrients in the honey. The processing of honey reduces the antioxidants in regular honey.

Raw Honey Benefits:

1. Antioxidant Effects :

Raw honey contains a wide variety of nutrients. It has approximately 22 amino acids, 31 different minerals and a wide range of vitamins and enzymes. What’s most impressive about raw honey is that it contains nearly 30 types of bioactive plant compounds. These are called polyphenols, and they act as antioxidants. Many studies have linked these antioxidants with impressive health benefits, including reduced inflammation and a lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

2. Nutrition :

Honey contains specific nutrients that can make it a healthful addition to the diet.

3. Helps in Fighting Digestive Ailments :

Raw honey may help in treating digestive problems like diarrhea and can heal stomach ulcers. Raw honey may also help in improving the other digestive issues due to its prebiotic components that help nourishing good bacteria and improving gut health.

4. Heals Sore Throat and Cough :

Honey has been widely used as potent natural nectar for treating sore through, cold and cough. Since ages, honey has been a part of ancient medicines and home remedies. In fact, the cold suppressing properties as well as anti inflammatory properties help in curing cough and sore throat. Moreover, adding honey, turmeric, ginger and lemon to your green tea or black tea may help in keeping seasonal ailments at bay.

Easy remedy for cough: Take 5 peppercorns, crush them and add 5 holy basil leaves with one tablespoon of raw honey. Mix it well and have it early morning, this will keep could and cough at bay.

5. Great for Skin and Hair :

Honey is an essential component used in several beauty products and hair care products, this is due to its great antioxidant composition, which helps in nourishing the skin and well as hair and also helps in improving the elasticity of skin and regenerates the damaged cells caused due to the presence of free radicals.

6. Honey for Weightloss :

Honey can help managing weight effortlessly, you can add honey to your green tea or black tea to amp up the health quotient of your tea or detox water. Take juice of half lemon and add one tablesppon raw honey in luke warm water and drink this blend on an empty stomach.

Taste and flavor

Taste is sweet at the same time intact with higher pollen, enzymes and antioxidant. It has a dark colour along with a rich taste and can be used in multiple recipes to add a sugary sweet flavour.

Daily Use of Honey will help in increasing antioxidant Levels in Bloodstream, lowering extra weight and cholesterol levels.

Read More : How to identify Real Honey & Duplicate/Fake/Adulterated Honey

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